Kindra Laub nackt sorted by


Kindra (Girl): All about the name Kindra

The baby girl name Kindra was given to 6 baby girls in 2008, ranking 4889 on the national girl baby name top chart.

Kindra Laub Nude


Kindra (Girl): All about the name Kindra

Is Kindra a common or unique name? She would make only one more film, 2001's April's Fool, before disappearing from the limelight forever, but thankfully we have her nude scene from Satanic Yuppies to keep us occupied! Comment and discuss Kindra origin and meaning Kindra is a 6 letter name with 2 syllables.

Kindra Laub Nude

Chart position per year visualized Year Rank 2008 4889 2007 5633 2006 5476 2004 5351 2003 5116 2001 4895 1999 2982 1998 2513 1997 2161 1996 2303 1995 2249 1994 1923 1993 1692 1992 1602 1991 1901 1990 1871 1989 1357 1988 1303 1987 1157 1986 1348 1985 1346 1984 1097 1983 1619 1982 1244 1981 994 1980 1200 1979 1144 1978 944 1977 1016 1976 1260 1975 1190 1974 1282 1973 1236 1972 1478 1971 1601 1970 1302 1969 2133 1968 2288 1967 1734 1966 2450 1965 2209 1964 2241 Chart position per state table view State Rank Texas 3007 Even more about Kindra These are some of the common questions you may want to have answered to know if this is the perfect name for your baby.

Kindra (Girl): All about the name Kindra

So make sure you check out the state specific charts below and find out how popular or unique Kindra is where you live.

Kindra (Girl): All about the name Kindra

Did you know that popularity can vary a lot between states? Kindra is currently topping the baby name charts in Texas at position 3,007 - and is the least popular in Texas at position 3,007.

Kindra (Girl): All about the name Kindra

Are you having a baby or looking to learn more about the name Kindra? Whichever you choose, there's no doubt that Kindra Laub will help you produce one heck of a glob! She followed that up with a role as "Party Girl" in Live Nude Shakespeare 1997 , which sounds like the best history lesson imaginable! There are some pre and post heart removal shots, so depending upon your affinity for gore, you can choose either! Kindra made her screen debut in the cheapie horror film Evil Ambitions 1996 , also known as Satanic Yuppies.

Kindra (Girl): All about the name Kindra

Biography The mid-90s were a wild time, especially for actresses like Kindra Laub that came and went in that glorious period where skin flicks were all the rage! It could be that a name that is very popular on the national overall charts is less or even more popular where you live.

Kindra (Girl): All about the name Kindra

With a quick glance you can easily tell if this name is increasing or declining in popularity - But note that its current popularity can actually differ a lot from state to state.