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Wonder Woman Batman His and Her Keychains Superhero Love

Even Wonder Woman herself before she even got her own movie in the first place.

Wonder Woman Batman His and Her Keychains Superhero Love


DC: 10 Times Batman & Wonder Woman Almost Had A Romance

8 Batman Almost chose wonder woman over catwoman Going along with the previous entry, there was at least one time where a love triangle seemed like it would go beyond flirtation between Batman and Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman and Batman Love Keychains Superhero Love

However, she thought of her memories with Batman, and this attracted a nearby Star Sapphire ring which is the Violet Lantern Corps which focuses upon the power of love which recruited Diana into the Star Sapphire and saved her from the Black Lantern ring.

DC: 10 Times Batman & Wonder Woman Almost Had A Romance

The illustrated characters are designed to look just like their beloved live-action counterparts, and what ensues is a fun romp that has the two superheroes battling infamous villain Ra's Al Ghul from the 1940s up through the 1970s.

Wonder Woman Batman His and Her Keychains Superhero Love

You can also email me at dustlily.

Wonder Woman Batman His and Her Keychains Superhero Love

11 At One Point They Were Both Just Mortal Humans So if Wonder Woman is vastly more powerful than Batman, why would the two ever team up in the first place? Even if the quantities are not listed, please contact me directly if you would like a bulk order.

DC: 10 Times Batman & Wonder Woman Almost Had A Romance

Metal stamping can cause the dog tag to have a slight curvature, especially with phrases containing many letters.

Wonder Woman and Batman Love Keychains Superhero Love

Still, the two heroes both have a strong sense of justice and an affinity for… flirtation? personalized search, content, and recommendations• And despite 2017's depicting some palatable romantic tension between Batman and Wonder Woman, nothing came of that either.

Wonder Woman Batman His and Her Keychains Superhero Love

As many fans already know, current canon has it that Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle-- that is, Batman and Catwoman-- decided to take their relationship to the next level and get engaged.